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Our Chapter  |  Pi  | LA Pierce College


Noor Kalla

  1. Presides over all general meetings and all events sponsored by the organization.

  2. May delegate presiding duties to the Vice President as needed.

  3. Meets and discusses matters with the AGS advisors.

  4. Works alongside other Club Presidents in order to assist each other with club matters.

  5. May provide and suggest ideas to board members on ways to improve.

  6. The president must have been a member of the AGS Executive Board for at least one semester.

Points Secretary

Estephanie Paz

  1. Records and updates service points of members on a weekly basis.

  2. May send the service points records to the webmaster on a weekly basis or update and share a Google Spreadsheet of said records.

  3. Must submit the list of people that earned transcript recognition at the end of the semester.

Publicity Chair

Pauline Tran

  1. Responsible for publicizing the club through creating posters, flyers, social media, etc.

  2. Makes and updates the AGS newsletter on a monthly basis.

  3. Works alongside the social chair in order to think up of ways to attract more members for AGS or attendees for events by targeting the new and ever evolving demographics.

  4. Holds meetings in order to plot new methods and ideas to attract more member for AGS or attendees for events via targeting new and ever evolving demographics.

Club Council Representative

Ashley Bassirat

  1. Attends the monthly ASO club council meetings 

  2. Keeps AGS up to date with information and events from ASO and the ASO clubs 

  3. Informs ASO and ASO clubs of events and news from the AGS club. 

Vice President

Justin Bautista

  1. Succeeds to the office of the president should that office become vacant.

  2. Takes the role of the president if s/he cannot administer the duties of the office.

  3. Must run the alternate meetings.

  4. Meets and discusses matters with the AGS advisors.

  5. Works alongside Club President in order to assist each other with club matters.

  6. May suggest ideas to board members on ways to improve.

Social Media Chair

Chloe Bassirat

  1. Manages, plans, and organizes club social events for the semester.

  2. Must attend all social events.

  3. Works on maintaining and posting on the AGS social media pages keeping it current and entertaining to viewers.

  4. Holds social committee meetings to discuss and suggest ideas to create a friendly, welcoming community that creates and strengthens bonds between AGS members.

  5. Works with other clubs in order to organize the Yearly Bowling event.

  6. Works alongside the publicity chair, fundraising chair, and treasurer to make events have a welcoming environment that includes all participating members of said event.

  7. Serves as the Historian for all AGS events.

  8. Responsible for taking pictures for all social events.


Harrison Katz

  1. Maintains the website and keeps it updated weekly with upcoming events at least one to two weeks in advance.

  2. Maintains the phone app and keeps it updated on a monthly basis.

  3. Collaborates with the social chair in order to implement and update pictures in aforementioned app and website.

  4. Works on finding ways to improve the current app or website.

  5. May update the points on a weekly basis unless there is a Google spreadsheet of the service points records. 


Alicia Lewis

  1. Keeps track of financial transactions, including the following:

    • Collect and deposit all chapter dues in accordance with regulations specified in the Club Organizational Handbook.​

    • Report new collections, debts, and current balances in the AGS accounts as weekly meeting.

  2. Fills out paperwork for reimbursement necessary pertaining to club events and assets.

  3. Works with the fundraising chair to devise ideas to increase AGS revenue.

Fundraising Chair

Mira Mihciyan

  1. Responsible for researching, implementing, and promoting fundraising activities for the semester.

  2. Fills out paperwork regarding fundraising event at least two weeks in advance.

  3. Runs the fundraising committee meeting in order to manage and devise possible events and activities that may increase AGS revenue.

Minutes Secretary

Ava Kim

  1. Responsible for the writing the minutes, the general outline of what was discussed, during the AGS board meetings.

  2. Sends these minutes within 24 hours of the meeting to all board members.

Faculty Co-Advisors

Dr. Kaycea Campbell
Lisa Valdez
Carman Wimsatt

Officer at Large

Lorenzo Valdez-Larios


We're introducing a new opportunity for you to get involved in AGS: committees! You may earn 40 points at the end of the semester for joining a committee(s)! But only if you attend at least 5 committee meetings throughout the semester and are found to have been an active participant, and miss no more than 2 meetings since joining. Joining a committee is optional and just another way to provide service and earn points.


  • The PUBLICITY COMMITTEE has the job of publicizing events and the club, and will be led by TBA. Meetings are TBA.

  • The SOCIAL COMMITTEE has the job of finding and creating new social events, such as potlucks, etc, and will be led by TBA. Meetings are TBA.

  • The FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE has the job of finding new and unique ways to raise funds for AGS, and will be led by TBA. Meetings are TBA.

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